Lonely Whale & Sparrow


Annisa Ummi Azzahra
Endang Susilowati


Once upon a time, there lived the loneliest orca whale in the world,he is Kiska. But one day there came a sparrow named Keiko. Keiko flew swooping towards the pond. While taking a bath suddenly came a very large Orca whale. How dare you shower here without my permission?” Kiska the Orca whale said. Keiko was very surprised to see an Orca whale. Kiska's huge body and sharp teeth made Keiko even more frightened. Eventually, Keiko begins to understand why Kiska used to be so angry when she came. Because Kiska was afraid of losing someone around her. It was because he had been lonely for too long. From then onthe little sparrow was very grateful and promised to remember the kindness of the orca whale. They enjoyed their happy days together.

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15 September 2023