Unimaginable Thing


Kamil Setiawati
Deswandito Dwi Saptanto


Unimaginable Thing Kartika High School has now entered a new school year. Today is the first day of going to school after the long vacation for class promotion even though quite a number of students are still unwilling to end their long vacation. Actually, these members of The Glory are also very lazy to go to school, but the opportunity once a year for them to act is too dear for them to pass up. The Glory is a group that was created suddenly and has the same goal. This group aims to play a little prank on new students in their class. For them, maybe it was just a little pranking, but for the victim, it was included as an act of bullying, while according to witnesses, this was a fun thing to watch. Desta Adi, is the mastermind behind all this plan. Of course he was very satisfied because he had managed to prank new students. This group consists of Hendri, Kevin, Anton and Ervina who are the only girl in this group. Where the members are children of influential couples for the school. A girl who has straight hair down her back stares at her new school with disinterest. She glanced at the name tag emblazoned on her uniform shirt, which said Viona Zahra. When she registered yesterday, she already knew where her new class was. The class is located on the 3rd floor, a special floor for class XII students. To be honest, she was very upset because she changed schools. How could she not be annoyed if her parents moved suddenly without telling him. She really wanted to vent her anger, but alas, she could not express all her emotions.

ISBN : proses pengajuan Perpusnas


15 September 2023